2024-2025 Season Nancy Greene Purden Program and Alpine Programs

hideYou should not enter any sensitive information on this page such as health data, passwords, credit cards or social security numbers. If you are being asked or need to provide this information for your registration please contact Prince George Ski Club directly. A secure checkout page will be used to collect your payment details on the next page.

Pricing Details

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2024-2025 Season Nancy Greene Purden Program and Alpine Programs

PREVIOUS MEMBERS: Registration opens September 09th, 2024 at 0900
NEW MEMBERS: Registration opens September 14h, 2024 at 0900

As you know, Hart spaces fill up quickly. However, we generally have availability in our Purden programs and encourage families to consider this option. The Purden program provides a diverse range of terrain, a favorable coach-to-athlete ratio, and additional time on snow, including full ski days, all of which significantly enhance athletes’ progress.
**Once we finalize coaching arrangements, we may offer a U14 REC program for children born 2012 and 2011- Please fill out the form below to express your interest, and we will contact you. Do not make any payments until we have confirmed the program and reached out to you.

All skiers must have registration done online via the portal below

Payment can be made by :
1) Following the Credit Card Links Below
2) etransfer to our treasurer pgsctreasurer2017@gmail.com, standard password pgskiclub,
3) contact our treasurer to pay by cash or cheque.

All registration fees are non-refundable. Payment is due within 48 hours of registration, and your spot is not secure until payment is completed.

If you have any registration questions please contact pgscsecretary@gmail.com
Credit Card Instructions:
1)Please fill out the registration details on this page

2) Credit Card Payment- Fill out the registration details on this page.
For credit card payment, follow the individual links based on your program choice(s). If registering multiple skiers / parents, you will need to use more than one link.
Important: Please Note Square adds 3.04% for transaction fees which have been added to the basic registration amounts

1 Parent/ General Member- https://square.link/u/W6xTJmaN
2 Parents/ General Members https://square.link/u/1slAdzMl
U8 Nancy Greene Purden- https://square.link/u/DtLar00C
U8 Nancy Greene Purden (one day)- https://square.link/u/G0jmjpQz
U10 Nancy Greene Purden- https://square.link/u/sFDHTEa8
U10 Nancy Greene (one-day)- https://square.link/u/1216NmIY
U12 Nancy Greene Purden- https://square.link/u/Qol7b6XP
U12 Nancy Greene Purden (one-day)- https://square.link/u/nN6MpQmV
U12 Enhanced- https://square.link/u/vJKB5y5u
U14 Alpine- https://square.link/u/W4AYJ5Dw
U16 Alpine- https://square.link/u/zbIVmIEg
U18 Alpine https://square.link/u/A68kzfri

Prince George Ski Club Policies & Code of Conduct

The Prince George Ski Club policies can be found on this website, at the bottom of the home page under the documents. Please review all applicable policies in their entirety prior to completing registration. If you have questions regarding these policies, please contact the club executive prior to completing the registraiton.

By completing this registration document you acknowledge that you and your athlete(s) have read, understand and will obey all club policies, including the code of conduct.

Photo Consent:

I hereby authorize the Prince George Alpine Ski Club to publish photographs of myself and/or the minor child or children listed below, and our names and likenesses, for use in the Prince George Alpine Ski Club’s print, online materials, as well as other publications.

I hereby release and hold harmless, the Prince George Alpine Ski Club from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality for myself and for the minor child or children listed above. Further, I attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child or children listed above and that I have full authority to consent and authorize the Prince George Alpine Ski Club to use their likenesses and names.

I further acknowledge that participation is voluntary and that neither I, the minor child, or minor children will receive financial compensation for the taking or publication of these photographs or participation in club marketing materials or other publications. I acknowledge and agree that publication of said photos confers no rights of ownership or royalties whatsoever.

I hereby release the Prince George Alpine Ski Club, its contractors, its employees and any third parties involved in the creation or publication of club publications, from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation or the participation of the minor children listed in this form.

I hereby affirm that I am the parent or legal guardian of the participating minor children listed on this form. I have read the above authorization, release and agreement, prior to execution; I fully understand the above mentioned consents. This agreement shall be binding upon me and my heirs, legal representatives and assigns.

If you do not provide photo consent, please let Vanessa Evens know, by emailing pgscsecretary@gmail.com.

Fundraising Requirements of a Prince George Ski Club Family

The Prince George Ski Club prides itself on being one of the lower fee clubs in the Province and we are able to do this by significant volunteer efforts in a number of fundraising activities. The fundraising is primarily done in the Fall between mid September and the end of October and contributes an average of $600 per Entry Level NG athlete and $2,200 per U12-FIS athlete. The result is lower fees for our families of approximately the same amounts.

Returning Nancy Greene Families in our program are expected to participate in approximately half the fundraising hours and U12-FIS athletes and parents are expected to participate fully.
Important Note- Alpine families will incur extra costs if not participating in fundraising

Our fees are based on the participation of everyone in these fundraising efforts. If you have extenuating circumstances and can not be available on these dates, you must talk to our Club Executive to discuss options before registering your child/children. Exceptions are made for first year families.

Here are all of the opportunities for volunteering. Your contribution makes a difference, we encourage all families to participate:


By completing this registration you are accepting the fundraising requirements listed above.

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