

Goal Setting

Posted by Prince George Ski Club on Nov 28 2016 at 02:44PM PST in 2016/17 Season

Every ski season we set goals. Whether it is a goal for the season; how you would like to perform or feel throughout the season; or daily goals as we work on mastering a specific technique or skill. Here is a list of things to think about while considering goals for the upcoming ski season.

Goals give individuals something to work toward. If they are used properly, they give direction, motivation and focus.
Here are some suggestions for integrating goals into your training:

  • Set a goal for every training day. The goal should relate to something you are working toward.
  • Before each drill decide what you want to do and exactly how you want to do it.
  • After each drill, identify what adjustments you need to make for that skill next run.

Imagery helps individuals learn new skills, and refine and prepare for high pressure situations. Positive images also help develop confidence and belief. Here are some suggestions for integrating imagery into training:

  • Before practice imagine yourself free skiing or successfully doing a specific drill.
  • During practice, before each run, take a moment to visualize the run in your mind.
  • When the coach gives you feedback, imagine or feel what you are being asked to do before attempting it again.

Feelings and emotions are a big part of performance. Individuals can learn how to make their feelings work for them as opposed to against them. Here are some suggestions for integrating feelings into training:

  • Before practice, you can listen to music to get yourself pumped up for training or racing.
  • During practice, you can come up with good personal reminders (images, words or feelings) of how you would like to ski or perform.
  • Take a deep breath and relax before at the top of the hill and in the start gate before you start your run.

The things individuals say to themselves can help them focus or can distract them and make them lose focus. Here are some suggestions for integrating thoughts into your training:

  • If you start to talk negatively to yourself and it makes you lose focus, you can say “STOP” to yourself and replace the words with positive statements.
  • Find key words or phrases that help you push yourself when fatigued during a tough workout, or long training session or course.

Performance can be supported by planning and preparing properly leading up to, and during training and racing.
Here are some suggestions for integrating support into training:

  • Follow a routine to get yourself ready for training and racing.
  • Approach mental focus like you do physical skills and warm it up slowly from simple to more demanding focus challenges.
  • If you lose focus, have a plan for getting your focus back. For instance, talking to your coach and taking a free run before jumping back into the training course; or performing some warm up stretches away from the rest of the team to give yourself time to refocus.

Mind in Motion Consulting. 2005. Sports and Your Mental GIFTS. Laura G. Farres, Ph.D., Ch. P.C. Accessed: September 23, 2016. Retrieved from:


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